How to Get Free VPS Hosting

Free VPS hosting or Virtual Private Server let you manage your blog or website so that you don’t have to share any space or server resources with any body else. This way not only your blog will remain up for maximum period of time but also it will perform better both in term of speed and
SEO. But as we all know that good things come with a heavy price and not all bloggers and webmasters can afford this so what is the solution if you don’t have any money to invest in VPS(Virtual Private Server) hosting.

The Solution is VPS.me

Guys at VPS.me are going mad and they are giving away Free VPS hosting to customers like you and me all over the world. There are no strings attached to this offer and free hosting will be provided for unlimited period. Also no advertising or restrictive terms so that you can enjoy it with full freedom.

How to Get Free Hosting

Simply visit the official website and drag the slider from 3 to 1 as shown in the  picture below. You will see the free plan with 384 MB of RAM, 600 MHz dedicated CPU speed and 5 GB of disk space which is more than enough if you are a beginner. Now click on orderbutton and provide the domain name(you need to purchase) which you want to attached to your hosting plan. Select the server operating system from the drop down menu and click next button.
After that you need to signup on this website so click on register button. Provide your personal details like name, email, mobile number and address. Remember to provide real details as they will going to verify your email and mobile number by SMS.
Note: Please note here that out of 200 countries of the world 20 countries are not supported at this time so if your country is not supported than don’t worry. All you need to have is the USA virtual mobile number for verificationget free by reading my other article.

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